Saturday, April 18, 2015

Dreamfactory + Oracle

Hello again

I have been struggling to get Oracle connectivity going from my Bitnami Ubuntu Dreamfactory image.

The instructions at did not work for me.

After following the instructions,

php -m

would not find .so files even though I had made the change in script file.

So, here is what I did to get php to load without any errors.

As of Dreamfactory 1.9, you need the 11.1 Oracle client.
The file I downloaded was
I could not get the rpm file to work.  The conversion of rpm to a deb file using alien did not get the desired results - for apache to load the oci8 extension for PHP.  Did not work for me.

I downloaded the .zip file from Oracle, unzipped them into a temporary folder and moved all the .so files that apache would report as not found into /usr/lib.

Now, php -m command lists out all the modules it loaded.

Next step is to connect to an Oracle database.  Will update.



Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dreamfactory + Microsoft SQL Server

Hello again

I have spent many hours slaving over connecting Dreamfactory running on Ubuntu to MS SQL Server (or any Linux distribution).

For my own sanity and in the hope that it will help someone, here it is.

If you are using the Bitnami Ubuntu distribution, all you need to do is

sudo apt-get install  php5-sybase unixodbc

Once these and other dependent packages are installed, go into the DSP console, create a new service and use the following tips to access MS SQL Server from your DSP instance.

Name : <your name for the service>
Description : <your description>
Username : <your sql server user name - not tested with Windows Authentication - only SQL Auth>
Password : <your sql server password>

Specify SQL Server hostname and database name so that the "Connection String" ends up looking like this

dblib:host=<your SQL Server Hostname>:1433;dbname=<your database name>

I spent a couple of hours figuring out why DSP would connect to one SQL Server and not another.

Then, a quick telnet <sql server name>:1433 showed me that the Windows Firewall service was not allowing connections through.  Do remember to check that as well.
